
Monday, February 20, 2012

3 years old!

Today my William is 3 years old! I can hardly believe it! I feel like we were just driving home from the hospital with him looking so tiny in his little car seat, and now he is 3. Sheesh. Where does the time go? I love that feeling, of feeling like Will has always been in our family. It doesn't feel like he has ever not been around. He is so wonderful and funny, and just brings such joy (and chaos) to my days. Oh but how boring our days would be without him! He has been so different than Abby was, and it to has been so funny to me as I watch him grow and see how his personality develops and who he is, and how different these little people really are. Will has brought a whole new set of parenting dilemmas, and just a whole new dynamic to our entire family. Even though some days we are all just holding our breath waiting for Will's next adventure, I think everyone in our family agrees that we are all, and the world, is so much better having this little man in it. I am sure all parents feel this way, but I really wish you all could really get to know my sweet Will as we do. Oh he is certainly mischievous, but the happiness he just radiates, the compassion he has for those around him, the cuddles he craves are just so miraculous. We have been so blessed with our William. Happy birthday baby Will, we all love you so very much!

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