
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Finding Me

Sunday I went to Life Chain, said a rosary with a sweet woman, was completely moved by the experience as I had never been since several years ago when I would try to attempt to say it, and I've been saying it daily now, for 3 days. Today I stopped in at this little Catholic bookstore nearby while Abby was at her running practice, because I had nothing else to do and thought I could look around and just get the time to pass by. I ended up talking to this woman working in the store, and told her about my experience with the rosary on Sunday. Turns out she makes the ones that are for sale in the store, and she wanted me to pick out any one that I loved and to take it for my very own as her gift to me! It is absolutely beautiful. I couldn't believe it. I seriously was in tears in the store, and on the way to get Abby was on the verge of weeping. I haven't felt that kind of raw and amazing emotion, ever maybe. At least, not over my faith. It was awesome and incredible and disconcerting at the same time. I wonder what God is up to. But I know he is up to something deep in my heart. Especially since I walked out of the store with some books also on the faith. Every time I go another way, somehow the Catholic faith finds a way - to find me.


  1. Kelli, I hope I am not too bold in telling you that I pray you find truth in those books, because there is such fullness and beauty there.
    Our Lady must have a special hold on your heart. :-)

  2. Andrea, Thank you. It is not too bold, it is appreciated. Also, if you have any other books you would recommend, I'd love to know and read them! I'm already almost finished with Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn. I definitely have a lot to think about right now! But I am fascinated.
