
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Prayers Please!

If everyone could say a prayer for my sweet baby William. He is sick, and has gotten a really high fever (we're at 104 now, which is not even his highest). He tends to do this everytime he gets sick, so its not too scary, but of course I worry every time. He seems to be feeling very badly. =o(


  1. Praying for sweet little Will!! And Mommy too! =]

  2. Is the baby doing better? It's always hard when our kiddos are sick.

  3. He is still very hot and is feeling bad. I can hardly get him to drink now so I am worried he is going to get dehydrated. I know if I take him to the doctor, he will be fine. And if I don't take him, then I will have to make an emergency room trip tomorrow. So. haha. The medicine worked great last night, and when he was on the medicine he was acting ok and his fever went down. Today the medicine isn't getting his fever down as low and he is acting much more lethargic, but he still is content to rest and watch tv, so I dunno.
