
Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Do you ever write a big long post and realize, you don't need to post it. Not because it was bad, but because its just you needed to get it out and its now so unnecessary? Yah.

On a quick note, I've been seeking more solitude in my life. Not from my family, but from the pressures of the world on me. We need to slow down. We need to be separated. At least, I really do. Facebook got deleted today (not deactivated, but deleted). So did twitter. I'm keeping my blog, but really that's it besides good old fashioned email (haha). I feel relieved already. I need to distance myself from these wordly things, to turn to God. I'm easily distracted.


  1. I hear ya! There are so many ways for us to become distracted by what really matters. Good for you for deleting those added stresses in your life!

  2. Good for you! I've been deleting a lot of distractions from my life. It feels GREAT. Unfortunately, Facebook isn't one! haha
